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2/14 Science Castle Research Fund 2024 Value Co-Creation Award Presentation of Results

2/14 Science Castle Research Fund 2024 Value Co-Creation Award Results Presentation.

 The "Science Castle Research Fund 2024 Value Co-Creation Award," which was established by Daicel Corporation and RIVANES Corporation together, established the Value Co-Creation Award under the theme of "All kinds of research and development that will lead to a 'future we can love. Four teams were selected from among many applications, and each team has been working on their research for about six months with the accompaniment of a research coach from Daicel Corporation and a mentor from RIVANESS Co.

<Annual Schedule

 We are pleased to report that on Friday, February 14, 2025, four teams presented their results at the JR Shinagawa East Building, where our Tokyo headquarters is located. On the day, in addition to the presentations by the adopted teams, a poster exchange session with researchers from Daicel Corporation was also held.


President and Adopters Research Coaches and Adopters
Optical control of cellular functions by boron-caged technology 

Hiroo Gakuen High School
Ryui Akiba 

to the stimulation of tussocks.
Chemical Elucidation of the Mechanism of Mnemonic Ability 

Nagano Prefectural Suwa Seiryo High School
Kazuhiro Komatsu 

Study of artificial hatching of quail embryos in chicken eggshells under observation 

Kamiyama Marugoto National College of Technology
Yukiai Fujiwara 

Relationship between hydra movement and light/dark cycle, and activity under constant light at low illumination.

Nagano Prefectural Suwa Seiryo High School
Takune Sato
Yuki Katayama
Genta Morikawa


<Poster exchange meeting

 Although there were times when things did not go according to the original schedule, each team proceeded with their verification in a resourceful manner and came to present their results in six months. They also devised their presentations from the perspective of communicating their research in an easy-to-understand manner.

Mr. Yoshimi Ogawa, President and Representative Director of Daicel Corporation, commented, "I was very impressed that there are so many talented high school students. I hope that they will take advantage of the various opportunities available, including the opportunity to go global. We at Daicel would like to support the next generation by creating research support opportunities.

He also told the employees who served as research coaches that "we, the employees, must have had the opportunity to discover and learn a great deal.


<Inquiries regarding this matter

RIVANES Corporation Hanazato, Hamaguchi [email protected]