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- Tohoku Conference
Science Castle 2022 Tohoku Conference] Sunday, December 18, 2012! 59 research presentations by junior and senior high school student researchers will be given!
2022.12.15![[Science Castle 2022 Tohoku Conference] Sunday, 12/18! 59 research presentations by junior and senior high school student researchers will be given.](https://s-castle.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2022/12/731f2aff090cabed32514985e7c27477-1024x689.png)
LIVANES Corporation will hold "Science Castle 2022 Tohoku Conference" on Sunday, December 18, 2012. Science Castle began in Osaka in 2012 as a place for junior high and high school students to present their research, and has since expanded to other parts of Japan and abroad. The Tohoku Conference was first held in Miyagi Prefecture in 2015, followed by Iwate and Fukushima Prefectures, and this year, the seventh year of the event, will be held in Yamagata Prefecture for the first time. REVANES Corporation supports enthusiastic junior and senior high school student researchers in the Tohoku region. Let's use the Tohoku Conference as an opportunity to create a world we have not yet seen together!
<Convention Summary
Event Name Science Castle 2022 Tohoku Conference
Date: Sunday, December 18, 2022, 11:45-18:00
Venue: Yamagata Prefectural Yonezawa Kojokan
Conference Partners: Kyowa Hakko Bio, Hirosaki University Health Future Innovation Research Organization, Benesse Children's Foundation, Japan Advanced Science and Technology Education and Human Resources Research and Development Organization
Details and registration:https://s-castle.com/conference/tohoku2022/
Science Castle 2022 List of Oral Presenters
<Introduction of the day's project
Keynote Speech "What Can We See at NanoTerasu, the Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility?"
NanoTerasu, the world's most powerful and advanced next-generation synchrotron radiation facility, is currently under construction at Tohoku University's new Aobayama campus. What will we be able to see using this facility? What will we be able to know?
Junji Muramatsu Professor, Director, International Synchrotron Radiation Innovation and Smart Research Center, Tohoku University, Deputy Director (in charge of Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation Project)
Workshop for Teachers]
Recommendations for D&I research that you can work with - Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is about studying yourself.
Partner: Benesse Children's Foundation
Location:Planning site A
Implementation time: 16:10-17:00
We will invite Prof. Shinichiro Kumagai of the University of Tokyo, Ms. Miwako Morimura of Komae Daisan Elementary School, and Benesse Children's Fund to share the important perspective of D&I, the concept of "self-initiated research," and to introduce research in the field of D&I that can be conducted in school life and in children's daily activities. We will also introduce that there is research in the field of D&I that can be conducted in school life and in activities around children.
Mr. Shinichiro KumagaiAssociate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
Ms. Miwako Morimura, Autism and Emotional Disorder Special Needs Classroom Teacher, Komae Daisan Elementary School, Komae City, Tokyo
Mr. Tomohiro AokiExecutive Director, Benesse Children's Foundation
Special Lecture
The Future of Health from Big Data and AI
Partner: Hirosaki University Health Future Innovation Research Organization
Location:Main venue
Implementation time: 16:10-17:00
The Future of Health as Seen from Big Data What is the difference between long-lived and short-lived prefectures? This is where the essence of health issues can be found. Hirosaki University is currently collaborating with Kao, Ajinomoto, Aeon, Benesse, and other major companies on a huge project aimed at realizing a healthy and long-lived society under the banner of "Life Span Revolution. The University will introduce its cutting-edge research, including the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that predicts diseases based on health big data.
Mr. Koichi MurashitaProfessor, Hirosaki University, Director (Head of Center), Health Future Innovation Research Organization
Let's think together about social implementation of research results that R&D ventures and researchers in Tohoku are working on!
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Venue:Planned Venue C
Implementation time: 16:10-17:00
Ventures and companies based in Tohoku that are trying to solve social issues will gather to learn about their technologies and thoughts, and discuss together how to implement them in society and their future.
Mr. Hirotaka Tomori Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University
Assistant Professor, Institute for Frontier Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University
Mr. Hironori OhashiAssociate Professor, Department of Materials and Energy Science (Natural Sciences and Informatics), Faculty of Science and Engineering, Fukushima University,Fukushima University Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
Mr. Yoshi SatoRepresentative Director and CEO, Aqua Solutions, Inc.
Workshop for Teachers]
How will biotechnology change our lives?
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Venue:Planned Venue B
Implementation time: 16:10-17:00
We will introduce the connection between advanced biotechnology and our daily lives, such as genome editing technology and bioplastics. We will also introduce teaching materials and science posters that can be used as themes for exploration and problem-based research.
Booth Exhibit
The Future of Health from Big Data and AI
Hirosaki University Health Future Innovation Research Organization
What is the difference between long-lived and short-lived prefectures? This is where the essence of health issues can be found. Hirosaki University is currently collaborating with DeNA, Shiseido, Kao, Ajinomoto, and other major companies on a huge project under the banner of "Life Span Revolution" to realize a well-being community co-creation society. We will introduce our cutting-edge research, including the development of artificial intelligence (AI) to predict diseases based on health big data.
Challenge yourself to research the ocean and aquatic environment! Marine Challenge Program
The Nippon Foundation, JASTO, Liverness Inc.
The Marine Challenge Program is a program to support you who want to start research on the ocean and aquatic environment. At this booth, we will introduce past research themes, give advice on planning research themes, and introduce the Marine Challenge Program.
How will biotechnology change our lives?
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
We will introduce the connections between advanced biotechnology and our daily lives, such as genome editing technology and bioplastics. We will also introduce video clips, slides, and other teaching materials that can be used as themes for exploration and problem-based research. We are also looking for model schools to conduct classes!
Audience participation will be accepted until the day before the event. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Details and Registrationhttps://s-castle.com/conference/tohoku2022/
<Contact us
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Science Castle Tohoku Conference 2022
Mail:[email protected]