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What is Science Castle?

  1. 01The Birth of Science Castle
  2. 02Science Castle Activities
  3. 03About the Operation

The Birth of Science Castle

The 2012 Kansai Grand Meeting


2012 Kanto Convention

The name "Science Castle" is derived from Osaka Castle, the symbol of Osaka, the birthplace of Science Castle. In the past, a castle town was built around the castle, where people gathered and a culture was created. The name "Science Castle" is derived from the "castle" as a symbol of creating culture, and we started this project in the hope of creating a culture of research among junior high and high school students. We support junior high and high school students who are beginning their "research," and the program has now developed into a program where junior high and high school students aspire to become "researchers" and find friends beyond their schools, generations, and regions.
Since the first conference was launched in Osaka in 2012, we have continued to look at the relationship between school and individual, inquiry and practicality, and Asia and Japan from multiple perspectives, and have communicated the significance of the existence of research by junior and senior high school students and the participation of multiple generations. We promise to continue to provide a place for budding researchers to spread their wings together with senior researchers from companies, universities, and graduate students.


Science Castle Activities


As a place to engage in friendly competition with other researchers of the same generation with similar abilities, we hold "congresses" centering on oral and poster presentations at three locations in Tokyo, Osaka, and Asia. In addition, the "Science Castle Research Fund" provides both financial and mentoring support for research activities. The "Research Coach" program provides junior and senior high school students with more than six months of research guidance and serves as a poster judge at competitions. We will also develop a "Future Workshop" to deepen research themes from a long-term perspective spanning 24 years with companies. We have also established the "Next Generation Research Institute ADvance Lab" as an entity to overcome the research gap and promote teenagers' research activities.
Beyond these, the activities produced at Science Castle are not static and are constantly changing.
Ltd. will play a central role in the operation of the program, which will be carried out by partner companies and graduate students and researchers gathered through an aspiration system and organized as research coaches.


About the Operation

Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.

REVANES was founded in December 2001 by 15 science and engineering students, mostly graduate students. The 15 students, who were also researchers, were determined to "remain researchers forever! and started REVANES with the dream of "creating a slightly strange research institute (i.e., a research institute that will change the world) that will continue to produce output needed by the world (i.e., contribute to society). This dream still lives in us today as the base of our management philosophy, "Realize the development of science and technology and contribute to the global community.

Our first business, "delivery laboratory classIn meeting with many teachers and students at schools through the "Research and Education" program, we heard comments such as, "High school students are now doing research activities, but there is no place for them to present their research. We are not a SSH (Super Science High School) and cannot participate in SSH-only presentations." This led us to the idea of creating a research presentation event that students can participate in regardless of whether or not they have a government grant program, and to make research a part of the culture of junior high and high school students.Science Castlelaunched.

We believe that the social issues that the operating company, LIBANES, wants to solve through Science Castle are both contemporary educational issues, one, and long-term research activity issues. which encourages companies to collaborate in research activities and school education.Research-based EducationAnd,NEST education to understand science and technology from Natureand "Create knowledge by mastering what you love.Online research school for elementary and junior high school students NEST LAB.We have launched activities to break down barriers to various educational issues, such as Unfortunately, there are still many young people who are struggling to realize their dreams, even if their encounters with the real thing have greatly expanded their dreams. Even if they jump over the boundaries of school and connect with companies, only a few teenagers are able to continue their paths as researchers.

Even if a teenager has a dream, there are many barriers that stand in the way before he or she can realize it. However, in light of DX, the spread of ICT, and open innovation, the barriers between schools, companies, and communities are becoming lower, and organizations connected beyond time and space are being created. The speed at which society is changing is also accelerating, and companies and governments are now considering whether they want to think more long-term and whether they can incorporate the opinions of future generations. This suggests that it may be easier than before for independent teenage researchers to create new environments in which they can flourish, and it also means that they will have more contacts to connect with existing organizations.
Together, we will create the best research environment for teenagers who want to break through. We will continue to build on our practices in line with this mission.



Conducted Kansai and Kanto competitions.


Singapore Convention held for the first time


First-ever Northeastern Conference

First Science Castle Research Fund established


First Kyushu Convention held

Started activities that would advance the research coach system exclusively with RIVERNESS employees.


First Malaysian Convention to be held

Marine Challenge Program, a sibling program dedicated to marine research, launched with the Nippon Foundation and JASTO.


Research coaches are gathered from graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, etc., and organization is started.


Online "ASEAN Competition" and hybrid "Kanto and Kansai Competitions" were held.

TSUNAGU RESEARCH PROJECT is launched. Started online international collaborative research.


First Chugoku-Shikoku convention held


Launches ADvance Lab, a next-generation research institute.

ASIA Convention to be based in Malaysia

Future Workshop" to devise research to the year 2050.