- Notice
- Kanto Convention
Science Castle 2016 Kanto Conference, all 7 prizes were selected from 137 abstracts from 53 schools! The Grand Prize went to the University of Tokyo Secondary School of Education for "Frog Foraging Behavior Experiment
The Science Castle 2016 Executive Committee, operated by Liverness Corporation (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yukihiro Maru), is pleased to announce that on Saturday, December 24, 2016, the Science Castle 2016 Kanto Conference, a conference for middle and high school students, will be held at theTEPIA Advanced Technology PavilionThe event was held at the
Under the conference theme of "Research and Development for the Future," 137 abstracts from 53 schools from 11 prefectures were presented by a total of 485 participants, including university researchers. Seven awards were determined after rigorous screening by seven judges representing the academic and industrial worlds, and the Grand Prize went to "Frog Foraging Behavior Experiment" by a secondary school attached to the Faculty of Education of the University of Tokyo.
Next year, on March 26, Science Castle will gather middle and high school students from Asia in Singapore (https://s-castle.com/castlemeeting2016/castle-sg2017/). We will continue to expand the event both domestically and internationally, building a platform for researchers to talk about the future together across disciplines, regions, and generations.
Results of Examination
Science Castle Poster Special Award
Challenge to purify seawater using ion-exchange membranes" Junior High School attached to Faculty of Education, Chiba University
Science Castle Best Poster Award
How Koji fungi recognize other individuals" Yokohama Science Frontier High School
ICU Award
Radiation Shielding Effects of Familiar Materials II," Kohka Gakuen Junior and Senior High School
What is the difference between an unpleasant sound and a pleasant sound?" Ibaraki Prefectural Hokota Daini High School
Liberace Award
Study on the extraction method of saponins using soap nuts" Rikkyo Ikebukuro Junior & Senior High School
Science Castle Competition Special Award
Toyama High School, Tokyo Metropolitan Toyama High School
Science Castle Grand Prize
Experiments on Frog Foraging Behavior," Secondary School attached to the Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo
The seminar was a good conception of a familiar question, a logical experiment, and a clear question-and-answer session.
The way he sets up simple experiments, changes the conditions and clarifies each thing in a simple manner, and his ability to present each thing in an easy-to-understand and simple manner, all of them show the same sense as that of a scientist.
Tournament Outline
Date: Saturday, December 24, 2016, 10:00-17:00
Venue: TEPIA Advanced Technology Pavilion
Conference Theme: Research and Development for Future Fruits
Co-sponsored by:The Association for the Promotion of an Advanced Technological Society (TEPIA)
Atlas Corporation, Ushio Inc., International Christian University, Kokuyo Corporation, Shikishima Baking Company, THINKERS Corporation, Japan Model Rocket Association, Bi-tech Information Promotion Association, Honda Motor Company, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, The Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Information Processing Society of Japan, The Oceanographic Society of Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Japanese Society of National Colleges of Technology, The Botanical Society of Japan, The Evolutionary Society of Japan, The Mathematical Society of Japan, The Ecological Society of Japan, The Biophysical Society of Japan, Japan Geoscience Union, Geological Society of Japan, Japan Statistical Society, Japanese Bioinformatics Society, Physical Society of Japan Academic societies
Inquiries about this matter
Educational Development Division, Liverness Corporation Seno
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03-5227-4198