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4/30(Thu) Science Castle Research Grant Application Online Seminar will be held.

4/30(木)サイエンスキャッスル研究費申請 オンラインセミナーを開催します。

In order to support junior and senior high school students who are currently unable to do as much research as they would like at school, we will be holding an online seminar to help them apply for the Science Castle Research Grant.Teachers who are considering applying for research funding are also encouraged to attend.

The Science Castle Research Fund is a research grant initiative for middle and high school students that provides 50,000~150,000 for research, expert advice, and a place to present their research.We support not only activities at school, but also personal research activities at home.
Applications are currently being accepted for four awards. All deadlines are at the end of May.
Science Castle Research Fund https://s-castle.com/grant/

The application requires a description of the following items. The person who launched the Castle Research Fund and the person in charge of this year's application will give you tips on how to write these in person!

Outline of Research
Why do you want to do the research or development?
Background (scientific and research background)
Hypothesis or image of the object to be developed and its description
Research methodology (what will be done and to what extent within the time frame)
Unique and creative aspects of this research or development
Expected results and their significance, etc.

Participation is by reservation only. Please come and join us. We would also like to hear from you about what kind of problems you are facing. It is precisely because of this situation that we would like to support your research activities. Thank you very much for your cooperation. School teachers are also encouraged to participate.

Outline of Implementation
Date: April 30 (Thursday) ⋅ 15:00-16:30
Format: Online seminar using ZOOM video application
Connection URL: https://lnest.zoom.us/j/92828326372?pwd=eGEvdVFBUjJQZjlNVzJsbEV3dWtTdz09
(Password will be provided to the applicant at a later date)
Seminar Content (tentative):
This is what the judges will be focusing on! Detailed explanation of how to fill out an application
The following is a list of points for improvement based on last year's rejected applications
Tips for planning themes for each of the 2020 awards
How to put manufacturing ideas into a diagram

How to Apply
1 Please think about what you would like to apply for the Science Castle Research Grant (it's OK to be somewhat vague).

2 Register for a LIVERNESS ID (first time users only).
Registered at https://id.lne.st/pre_regist?s=castle

3 Please register for the seminar below using the email address and name you registered with your LIVERNESS ID.
Application form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3gZpOLMwV_jCat4AvDLU8fp_luidbXMm_sDBvP7msrNtJCA/viewform

4 Please prepare the connection in advance.

<An online connection request
Please join us from as quiet a place as possible.
Use stable Wi-Fi (avoid tethering).
If you are participating from a public place, please have earphones with a microphone ready.
Please check the video camera function.
Please download the app!
If you are using Zoom for the first time, please click on the connection URL below to install the application.
If you would like to participate on your smartphone or tablet, please search for "Zoom" in the app store and download "Zoom Cloud Meetings".
Connection URL: https://lnest.zoom.us/j/92828326372?pwd=eGEvdVFBUjJQZjlNVzJsbEV3dWtTdz09

5 Liverness will send you a password for the day's connection.

6 At the time, please click the connection URL and wait for the seminar to start.

Contact Us
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Science Castle Research Fund Manager
Tachibana, Chou [email protected]