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Research and development by the team selected for the Science Castle Research Fund 2023THK Monozukuri 0. Award has begun!


As part of a "co-education project" to support the next generation of manufacturing that develops technologies useful to people, THK Corporation, which developed the world's first "LM Guide" with its original ideas and unique technology, and LIVERNESS Corporation, which supports research and development by junior and senior high school students,Science Castle Research Fund THK Monozukuri 0. AwardThe Company has established the following

This year again, we received many applications for ideas for manufacturing products that solve problems in the world by adding "smooth movement" to them. Thank you very much for all the applications that conveyed your thoughts and ideas.

After a strict screening process, 10 teams and 11 schools were selected, and a kick-off meeting was held online on June 22, where the teams and their technical advisors and mentors finally began their research and development activities together.


Adopted Team

1 Development of a robot for cheerleading voluntary training

Yunako Kikuchi Seawell Elementary School

2 Microplastic collection robot No. 3

Tanaka Shirei Matsuda Elementary School, Ginoza Village, Okinawa, Japan

3 One-handed egg and rice self-help tool

Miyuko Nakahara Okayama Kozan Junior High School

4 Pulse Simulator

Qisoo Jang Junior High School attached to the Faculty of Education, University of Toyama


5 Development of a Living Water Purification Filter Using Bivalves and Comparison of Water Purification Capabilities

Suihoku Ishiguroshallow fieldacademyduring (a certain time when one did or is doing something)School/High School



6-1 Fabrication of a variable gravity device using a slope

Yudai Kozono, Osaka Prefectural Imamiya Technical High School, Regular Course

6-2 Drag shield for in-school drop tower experiment

Kotaro Ihara Tokyo Gakugei University High School

7 Developing new interfaces between humans and computers

Junpei Saito Keio Shiki Senior High School

8 Crutches for easy stair climbing

Kyoyumi Tazoe Chikushi Jogakuen High School

9 Development of myoelectric prosthetic hand targeting students

Yui Watanabe Toshimaoka Joshi Gakuen High School

10 Development and production of twin eyepieces

Maeda Ryoei Hyogo Maiko High School



THK and Liverness have been working together to develop a "Manufacturing0." website has also been set up to support junior and senior high school students who are interested in problem solving and manufacturing. Please take a look at the website, which also features manufacturing exploration materials, past THK Monozukuri 0. awards, and interviews with junior and senior high school students.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please let us know at

Monozukuri 0. secretariat e-mail: [email protected] / tel: 03-5227-4198