


  1. 01Subjects
  2. 02Terms of Entry
  3. 03Application Requirements
  4. 04Application Process
  5. 05Deadline
  6. 06valuation basis
  7. 07Research Support
  8. 08Schedule
  9. 09Awards
  10. 10Handling of copyrights and rights related to research
  11. 11Frequently Asked Questions

When entering each of the Science Castle competitions, please make sure you have read all of the information on this page before entering.

*Applications for oral presentations were closed on August 30.

*Applications for poster presentations were closed on September 30.



We are open to all kinds of research, without limitation in any field.


Past abstracts are,Past Conference Pagesfor more information.


Terms of Entry

Science Castle emphasizes the following four items in all presentations. Please prepare entries that best represent these items in both oral and poster presentations. We look forward to receiving many entries as we look forward to your presentation on the day of the conference.

2. Idea / Conceptual
Is there an interesting question or awareness of the issue, or a unique point of view?

Do you have curiosity about the subject of your research and a willingness to take on challenges?

3. Research Methodology
Are there repeated hypothesis testing, design development, and consideration?

4. Practicability
Are you able to think and talk about the development of your research on your own?


Application Requirements

The event is open to high school/secondary school students aged 13-17 or older, depending on the country.

  • Ideally, only one presenter is eligible to present for the oral presentation; however, you may request to include more than one presenter to support the presentation in case of language problems.
  • For team applications, the maximum number of team members is 6. Team members will be listed on the record only if they are registered at the time of application.
  • Those who are not enrolled in junior high school, high school, technical college, etc., or are on leave of absence for some reason are also eligible to apply.
  • If applying after high school graduation, the applicant must be a pre-college student.
  • For competitions in Japan, judging and presentations will be conducted in Japanese. Nationality is not required.
  • The official language of Science Castle in ASIA is English.

Application Process

  • Please prepare an email address that can be used to verify the identity of the individual research representative.
  • You will be required to register for a "Leave a Nest (LNEST ID)" with the relevant e-mail address.
  • You will be asked to fill out an entry form and submit data through your LNEST ID.

To create your LNEST ID(Please click here).


On the application page, please click "Save Draft" frequently after you have filled in some information to make sure it is saved.


When you have completed the necessary fields for abstract submission, click "Confirmation" to submit your abstract.

Request for Submission of Video Presentation Materials for Oral Presentation Entrants

Those who wish to enter oral presentations are required to submit a video. A simple video taken with a smartphone or similar device is acceptable. Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting your video.


<Video Content

  • self-introduction
  • Why did you decide to do this study and how did the study begin?
  • Points of ingenuity and trial and error in conducting the research, such as experimental methods and construction of the research environment.
  • About the above,Less than 2 minutesPlease talk to us at
  • Video of your "presentation" that will convey your "enthusiasm for research".Please submit the


<Notes on filming and submitting videos

  • Please prepare a video that clearly shows the applicant's face.
  • Please photograph one principal investigator who will make an oral presentation on the day of the conference. Presentations shared by teams will not be considered.
  • The person submitting the application, the person presenting the video, and the person scheduled to present on the day of the Science Castle must match. Also,As a rule, changes of presenters will not be accepted on the day of the presentation.The following is a list of the most common problems with the
  • There is no need to make elaborate videos with background music or to demonstrate experiments.


Please also refer to this video on how to make a video!



Asian Games For more information, please visit(click)Please check (the provided link or resource) for more information.

Oral presentations at the Japan National Convention (Tokyo, Osaka) Friday, August 30, 2024, 18:00

Poster presentation at the Japan National Convention (Tokyo, Osaka) Monday, September 30, 2024, 18:00


valuation basis

Your application will be evaluated according to the following items.

valuation basis Contents
2. Idea / Conceptual Is there an interesting question or awareness of the issue, or a unique point of view?
passion Do you have curiosity about the subject of your research and a willingness to take on challenges?
3. Research Methodology Are there repeated hypothesis testing, design development, and consideration?
4. Practicability Are you able to think and talk about the development of your research on your own?

Research Support

  • Oral presenters will be given the opportunity to brush up on their research, discussion, and presentation methods through online mentoring sessions by Leave a Nest members.
  • Oral and poster presenters can conduct online research consultations if they wish


Schedule from application to the day of the event

Entry Flow

Flow of the day

Asian Games

    • Application starts: March 1, 2024 (Friday)
    • Application deadline: Friday, May 24, 2024
    • Presenter's Decision: Monday, June 10, 2024
    • Research support period: August - September
    • Date of the conference: October 19 (Sat.)-20 (Sun.), 2024

Domestic conferences (Tokyo, Osaka)

  • Application starts: June 1, 2024 (Saturday)
  • Application deadline (oral presentations): August 30, 2024 (Fri.) 18:00
  • Application Deadline (Poster Presentation): September 30, 2024 (Monday) 18:00
  • Announcement of presenters: Mid-September (oral presentations), Mid-October (poster presentations)
  • Research support period: October - (oral presentation)
  • Tokyo/Kanto Rally: Saturday, December 7, 2024
  • Osaka/Kansai Conference: Saturday, December 21, 2024


For oral presentations, there is the "Best Presentation Award" determined through deliberation by the judges, and "Company Awards" set up by each partner.

For poster presentations, the "Best Poster Award," "Excellent Poster Award," and "Research Encouragement Award" are also established.
Research Encouragement Awards will be given to all poster presenters.

Examples of awards in 2023

Science Castle 2023 Kanto
Science Castle 2023 Chugoku-Shikoku Conference
Science Castle 2023 Kansai Conference


Handling of copyrights and rights related to research

  • The copyright of the application documents belongs to the applicant.
  • However, Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and the organizers and co-organizers shall have the right to use all or part of the application information by publishing it in electronic or paper media or by other means.
  • Leave a Nest Co., Ltd. and the organizers and co-organizers will not normally impose any restrictions on the applicant's research simply because they have applied or presented at Science Castle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Entry (common items for poster and oral)

Is it possible to register the same abstract for oral and poster presentations?

You can register for the same abstract. Please use the same LIVERNESS ID for each registration.

Is it possible to enter and participate in two or more conferences?

Entries can be made for multiple conventions. Please submit abstracts for multiple congresses using the same LIVERNESS ID. If you are selected for oral presentation, you may participate in only one conference, and if you are selected for multiple poster presentations, you may participate in multiple conferences.

May I present the same content at other contests or conferences?

Science Castle does not have a problem with presentations of the same content at other contests or conferences. However, some other contests or conferences may have regulations regarding the content of previously presented papers. If there are such regulations, please follow them.

What if I don't have a mentor?

You may register a parent or guardian as an instructor. In that case, please indicate "parent/guardian" in the space for the affiliation of the instructor. Even if you are not involved in the research, you may have a homeroom teacher or other school teacher who can handle the registration.

If research results are not available yet, is it not possible to enter?

Poster abstracts are accepted for entry. In the "Results" section, please describe the expected results of your research. In "Discussion and Prospects," please describe the policy and content of the anticipated discussions. It is also helpful to include a schedule of when those results are expected to be available.

Is it okay to register the presentation title in English even for domestic conferences?

No, please register the translation into Japanese.

Is it possible to change the title of the abstract?

After the entry deadline, the abstract book and the web cannot be changed. The title of the abstract can be changed on the poster or oral presentation materials prepared by the presenter himself/herself. Please understand this beforehand.

My research has progressed further than when I registered my abstract. Can I include the progress in my poster?

We encourage you to include the amount of progress you have made in your presentation.

Since the principal investigator does not have a personal address, may a faculty member or parent register and enter the RIVANES ID instead?

We strongly recommend that the Principal Investigators themselves register and enter their own RIVANES ID. Based on the information registered in the RIVANES ID (especially, name, date of birth, and affiliation), we will make necessary contacts for the operation of the conference and prepare productions and postings. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in order to ensure the smooth running of the convention. If you have one, we recommend that you use your school's e-mail address or get a new free e-mail such as Gmail.

If you have registered with an ID other than that of the presenter, there have been cases in which the abstracts and conference records have been created based on incorrect information, and the presenter's records have not been saved correctly, which may interfere with the operation of Science Castle.
We request that presenters register their own IDs, as corrections cannot be accepted after the deadline for oral and poster presentation submissions.
Please note that the organizer cannot be held responsible for any deficiencies caused by an application using an ID other than the presenter's own.

Poster Presentation

Is there a limit to the number of posters? I would like to put up two posters. Can you provide additional panels?

There is no limit to the number of panels, but additional panels cannot be arranged. Please make your own arrangements, such as overlapping the panels.

Are there any restrictions on poster size?

Poster size can be any format as long as it is within A0 size (841mm x 1189mm).

May I present multiple sheets of A4 paper instead of a poster?

Multiple sheets of A4 paper may be presented side by side.

Are there any rules on how posters should be written?

There are no rules. We encourage you to be creative so that your research can be communicated to as many people as possible.

Is there a document review process for poster presentations?

This event is held every year. Please note that due to the capacity of the venue and the judging on the day of the event, the number of slots available for presentations is limited.

How many minutes are allotted for poster presentations?

When your poster is judged by the poster judges, you will have 4 minutes for your presentation and 4 minutes for Q&A. Please feel free to respond to the rest of the presentation and Q&A session. Please be sure to check the presenter's manual for the latest information on presentation format.

Can more than one person present a poster presentation?

Multiple presenters are acceptable, but please coordinate your presentations so that they can be given within the presentation time. It is recommended to keep the number of presenters as small as possible, as taking turns will take up more time than it should.

Can you print posters?

Please note that we do not offer poster printing services. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask that you print your own poster and bring it to the venue on the day of the exhibition.

Can I deliver my poster to the venue in advance?

Due to the convenience of the venue, we will not be accepting posters for delivery in advance. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please bring your own poster on the day of the event.

Can I have exhibits for my presentation delivered to the venue in advance?

If it is difficult to transport by hand, please contact the Management Office ([email protected]) in advance. You are responsible for delivery costs. Please note that the management organizer cannot be held responsible for any defects caused by delivery.

Will you provide desks to place exhibits to be used in presentations?

Desks for displaying exhibits will be provided only to those who have applied for the use of desks using the application form provided in advance. Please be sure to apply in advance if you need a desk to place your exhibits.

Do I have to take my poster home?

Please take your posters home with you. The Management Office does not provide a service to collect or keep your posters. Please understand this beforehand.

Oral presentations, seminars

Can I enter oral presentations if I am working in a team?

It is of course possible to register a research theme being researched by a team, but only one presenter is allowed, and the representative cannot be changed after that. It is also possible for the same team to submit multiple entries for the same research theme with different representatives. In that case, please describe the contents of "Passion for Research and Development" and "Consideration" in such a way that each representative's unique characteristics are apparent. (*We will look at the differences in the contents of the entries and judge them fairly together with the other entries.)

Can more than one person present an oral presentation?

Only one representative is allowed to make a presentation. Please note that only one representative may present.

If I am selected as an oral presenter, can I also present a poster?

You can make a presentation. Poster panels will be provided for oral presenters.

If a student has applied for an oral presentation and is not selected, should he/she submit another entry for a poster presentation?

Once again, please submit your poster presentation entry.

What will the oral presentation seminar be about?

A RIVANES employee will conduct an online interview and lecture on the research presentation. The content will include showing research slides and providing feedback to make the presentation easier to understand and to convey the presenter's enthusiasm for the research. We also provide another opportunity for feedback after the Science Castle is conducted.

May I attend the oral presentation seminar with my co-researcher?

Only the person who has registered an abstract can participate in the oral presentation seminar. Please note that only the person who has registered an abstract can participate in the oral seminar.

Are the oral presentation seminars held on-site? Are they held online?

Online implementation is planned.

Visitor Registration

Do presenters also need to register as audience members?

It is not necessary for presenters to register as an audience member. RIVANES will send you a ticket for the presenter by e-mail. Please present the ticket at the registration desk on the day of the event.

Do faculty members or co-researchers also need to register?

Faculty members and co-researchers are also required to register as attendees. We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

I have not pre-registered. Can I visit on the day of the event?

By registering on the Audience Form, you will be able to observe on the day of the event. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please complete the registration procedure.

I would like to bring my siblings under elementary school age to visit, do I need to register them?

Registration is not required for children under elementary school age to visit.

Can students and teachers from schools that have not applied to Science Castle visit?

Students and teachers from schools that have not applied to Science Castle are also welcome. Please come and visit us. Please note that you will need to register as an audience member in advance.

What should I do if I want to visit the ASIA Convention?

All junior high and high school students, faculty, and staff are welcome to visit the conference. Please register in advance and come directly to the venue on the day of the conference.


Are teachers required to lead students to participate in the Science Castle?

Not required. Please make your own decision as to whether or not you need a faculty member to accompany you.

What time should I be there in time?

We recommend that you arrive at the venue a little early before the opening ceremony begins. We ask that posters be displayed before the opening ceremony, so we hope that you will have enough time to work on that as well.

What should I do if I want to withdraw from the presentation?

If you wish to withdraw from the presentation, please contact the Management Office by e-mail ([email protected] ).

Can I invite the media to Science Castle?

Please contact the Management Office ([email protected]) in advance.