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  • Science Castle 2018 Tohoku Conference

Science Castle 2018 Tohoku Conference

Theme "Advanced Research with Roots in the Community"

Event Name Science Castle 2018 Tohoku Conference
schedule Sunday, December 16, 2018
Location Will Fukushima Acty Wholesale Town Access

On December 16, 2018, the Science Castle 2018 Tohoku Conference was held in Fukushima City.


While the Tohoku region is rich in natural beauty, it is also a region of declining industry due to depopulation, health and medical problems, energy problems, and other issues. From a different perspective, the seeds of "research that begins with curiosity" to unravel the wonders around us and "research that begins with a sense of mission" to solve the world's problems are falling.


Therefore, this convention is dedicated to creating a prosperous future for the region,Advanced Research with Roots in the Community - Changing the Future of the Region through Curiosity and a Sense of Mission.as the theme of the event.


On the day of the event, 26 schools and 42 abstracts were presented, mainly from the six Tohoku prefectures, in collaboration with 13 partner universities and 13 partner companies.


Click here for the conference report release.


Science Castle 2018_Brochure_Tohoku_Conference_for_WEB


Science Castle 2018 Abstracts_Tohoku Conference