Science Castle



Someone vol.38] [Ah-HA! Cafe] How is the length of a second determined?
2017.03.01 Someone vol.38] [Ah-HA! Cafe] How is the length of a second determined?
  • someone
Someone vol.38] [Pictorial Book of Living Things from the Laboratory] Changing "strengths" in the environment in which they were born, the giant horned owl.
2017.03.01 Someone vol.38] [Pictorial Book of Living Things from the Laboratory] Changing "strengths" in the environment in which they were born, the giant horned owl.
  • someone
The Nippon Foundation Marine Challenge Program] Seeking junior high and high school students who want to challenge marine-related research!
2017.02.28 The Nippon Foundation Marine Challenge Program] Seeking junior high and high school students who want to challenge marine-related research!
  • Notice
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Notice common to all competitions
Science Castle 2016 Kanto Conference, all 7 prizes were selected from 137 abstracts from 53 schools! The Grand Prize went to the University of Tokyo Secondary School of Education for "Frog Foraging Behavior Experiment
2016.12.27 Science Castle 2016 Kanto Conference, all 7 prizes were selected from 137 abstracts from 53 schools! The Grand Prize went to the University of Tokyo Secondary School of Education for "Frog Foraging Behavior Experiment
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
The 3rd "someone" Seminar in Science Castle Kanto "Astrobiology - Can living things live in space?
2016.10.29 The 3rd "someone" Seminar in Science Castle Kanto "Astrobiology - Can living things live in space?
  • Notice
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
Abstracts and presentations from Science Castle 2014 and 2015 are now searchable!
2016.03.01 Abstracts and presentations from Science Castle 2014 and 2015 are now searchable!
  • Notice
Apology and Correction of an Error in "someone
2016.03.01 Apology and Correction of an Error in "someone
  • Notice
2015.12.22 THINKERS Award
  • Notice
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Company-supported projects
  • Notice common to all competitions
Honda Hydrogen Energy Experience Booth "Experience hydrogen energy with Honda employees!
2015.12.04 Honda Hydrogen Energy Experience Booth "Experience hydrogen energy with Honda employees!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
  • Notice common to all competitions
  • Tohoku Conference
  • Kanto Convention
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
Engineering Education Program "Passionate and Advanced Mission-E" Faculty Experience
2015.12.04 Engineering Education Program "Passionate and Advanced Mission-E" Faculty Experience
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention