
Science Castle Research Fund 2024 Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award

Science Castle Research Fund 2024 Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award is now closed for applications.

The Benesse Children's Fund has been supporting the realization of "a society in which children with a future can expand their own potential in a safe environment for learning. We support research by junior and senior high school students on their own subjects and help each individual take a step forward to change the world on their own. We create an environment for communication and presentation in which students can engage in research in their own way without anxiety, and our expert mentors accompany students with unprecedented research ideas that are full of individuality and sensitivity.

Application Theme


Subject areas: Any development or research that focuses on one's own characteristics or minority status.


Example theme:

I want to solve issues that I found because I am a minority.
I can't concentrate on conversations with friends in noisy places, so I need to find a way to concentrate.
Why is it that some days I don't want to go outside?
Food availability is limited. We want to create a food environment where people can still enjoy themselves with their families and friends.
I want to communicate my thoughts in ways other than speech. I want to find a way to communicate that suits me.
I have trouble sleeping when I stay out overnight. I want to find a way to get back to sleep.

Theme adopted last year:

How should people and society relate to trichotillomania?
Communication in the regular class with limb disabilities
Development of a mouse for Mr. K - communication for all

*In case of sensitive content, the student's name may not be open and a pseudonym may be used when posting on the web or making a presentation.
We will consider follow-up methods according to the characteristics of the applicant, so please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns.
We will support you from the beginning of the application process.

A word from the person in charge

Are you feeling bewildered, middle and high school students? Perhaps, if you study those feelings thoroughly, it may lead to the first step to change your surroundings and society. Even if you have never done research before... don't worry, you will have a mentor with you. We are looking forward to receiving many applications again this year!


Subject of application Junior high school students, high school students, and technical college students (3rd year or younger) who are engaged in research activities
Applicants with hearing or visual impairments are also eligible to apply. (Please consult with us if you have any concerns about other applicant characteristics.)
Usage Expenses required for research and development (materials, purchase of parts, etc., equipment, transportation, etc., but excluding food and beverage expenses). (excluding food and beverage expenses)
Research Support Period September 2024 - March 2025
Thoughts of the person in charge Click here to read the interview article.
briefing If you would like to learn a little more about the research and subject matter of this call for proposals, or if you have any questions, please join us for an online information session.

Dates: Wednesday, June 26, 17:30-18:30
Participation Fee: free
Subject:Teachers, parents, etc.
Contents:Mr. Fujiwara, last year's recipient, will talk about his experience and introduce how he conducts his research and the support he receives.

Click here to apply

note (supplementary information) symbol Libanes ID Please log in to the "Application" page and click "Click here to apply".
Application Process Application Process for more information, Application page here Please proceed with the description and application of your research from
Partner Benesse Children's Foundation
Contact Us Contact: Dateyama, Hashimoto
Iidabashi Miyuki Bldg. 6F, 1-4 Shimomiyaibicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0822, Japan
TEL:03-5227-4198 Email: [email protected]

Grant Details and Number of Grants Available

Grant details ①. 50,000 yen for research
Grant details (2) Research mentoring by self-study experts
Number of adoptions Approx. 3 persons

Application Requirements

Junior high school students, high school students, and college of technology students who apply for the program must take the initiative in applying for the program.

Parental or school consent is required.

● Be able to provide information (including contact information, etc.) to be included in the application

The applicant must be able to participate in the kick-off event to be held in early September 2024 (the date will be decided upon consultation with the selected applicant). In addition, we will basically consider holding the event on site, but will make online participation available for those who live far away).

The conference for middle and high school students to be held in December 2024, "Science CastleConsider entering either Tokyo/Kanto or Osaka/Kansai in the "Tokyo/Kanto" or Osaka/Kansai (in principle, on-site participation is required, but please consult with us on how to participate, if necessary).

The applicant must be able to participate in the online results reporting session to be held in March 2025.

In principle, the applicant must consent to the publication of his/her information, research content and results (including personal information such as the applicant's name, age, school, and photograph) on the website, publications, SNS, and any other media operated by the Benesse Foundation for Children and RIVANES Corporation (depending on the content of the research, personal identification will be taken into consideration). (Depending on the content of the research, consideration will be given so that individuals cannot be identified.)

The applicant must be able to consent to the sharing of application information with the management team of this research fund (Benesse Children's Fund, external mentors commissioned by Benesse Children's Fund, and RIVANES Corporation).


Application period Saturday, June 1, 2024 - Friday, July 19, 2024 18:00
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 17:30-18:30
Application Deadline Friday, July 19, 2024 at 18:00
Interview period Early to mid-August 2024 (online interviews)
Announcement of adoption Early September 2024
December 2024
presentation of results March 2025

Application Process

Confirmation of Terms and Conditions and Application Guidelines

Please review the terms and conditions and the application guidelines on this page, and consult with us if you have any questions about the content.
▶︎ Science Castle Research Fund Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award Terms and Conditions

Register for a LIVERNESS ID

All middle and high school students who wish to apply are required to register all members of the team, whether they are representatives or not, with their RIBANES ID. The Research Grant Entry screen will appear after you log in to your RIBANES ID, so please register with your RIBANES ID.

▶︎ Register for a LIVERNESS ID


Preparation of Consent Form

If this is part of a school activity, please prepare a consent form for school teachers (for schools); otherwise, please prepare a consent form for the person responsible for the protection of all team members (for individuals). Please download the model of the consent form below.
▶︎ Science Castle Research Grant Agreement (for schools and individuals)
Please upload the scanned data of the completed and sealed documents from the application form, and send the original documents to the Science Castle Research Funding Office.

Mailing address: Dateyama, Human Resources Development Division, Liverness, Inc.
Iidabashi Miyuki Building 5F, 1-4 Shimomiyaibicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0822, Japan

Filling out and applying for research

Application page herePlease proceed with the description and application of your research from

In addition, please refer to the following points when writing the following two items when applying for this research grant.

(1) Application item: Why do you want to conduct the research or development (awareness of the representative's personal issues)?
<Points mentioned
Please describe in detail how you arrived at the theme of this research, such as what experiences you had and how you felt. Please also include any reasons why you decided to take on the challenge of research and development, rather than leaving any issues or questions you may have had untouched.

(2) Application Item: Anticipated Results and their Significance
<Points mentioned
In addition to the projected results of the research and development, please also describe what you would like the applicant to be like when the research and development is completed (a long-term perspective is fine, not limited to the period of support).

(From left to right)
Tomohiro Aoki, Executive Director, Benesse Children's Foundation
Ms. Kaori Hirano, Secretariat, Benesse Children's Foundation

Shedding light on a nameless problem

The Benesse Children's Fund established the Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award in 2023 as the first attempt of the Science Castle Research Fund to support research by children with disabilities. We interviewed Mr. Aoki and Ms. Hirano of the Foundation, which has decided to establish the award again in 2024, about the possibilities and significance of supporting party research as seen through the first year's efforts.

There are middle and high school students who want to work on solving their problems.

The Benesse Children's Fund (hereinafter referred to as "Children's Fund") has been conducting subsidized and voluntary projects under four themes: support for learning that leads to a better society, support for learning by children with illnesses and disabilities, activities to protect the safety and security of children, and support for learning by children with economic difficulties. As a new approach to this support, the Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award for Science Castle Research Fund was launched in 2023 together with REVANES with the aim of "supporting the power and voice of children and youth to solve social issues through their own research and communication, rather than adults solving their problems" (hereinafter "D&I Award"). hereinafter referred to as the D&I Award). In terms of dealing with personal problems, the design of the application and support was done carefully. Before we started accepting applications," said Hirano, "we wondered whether junior high and high school students would really apply for the research grant, considering their own problems as the subject of the research. However, once the application period began, 13 junior high and high school students from all over Japan submitted applications expressing their desire to work on solving their own problems because they are minorities, reaffirming the significance of the support provided by this research grant.

Accompanying support to envision the ideal future together

The D&I Award provides mentors with expertise to support the research of their own problems. Some of the first-year recipients were trying out research for the first time, while others needed specific technical assistance, and the research support was tailored to each individual. Mr. Aoki commented, "Through communication between the mentors with their expertise and the adopters, I saw the adopters' perspectives broaden. I realized that research is not only about finding answers, but also about the process of research," he said. The unique feature of this research grant is that it does not only provide technical support for conducting research, but also provides support that emphasizes objective discoveries and awareness in the course of research by reflecting on one's own experiences and engaging with parties who have had similar experiences. As a result, the first year's research not only yielded interesting research findings, but also evolved into a study that raised the perspective of the issues to be solved and the worldview to be aimed for, allowing the researcher to work with different approaches and perspectives as needed.

The social issue of "nameless problems

The Children's Fund decided to establish the D&I Award again this year because it believes that the voices of middle and high school students are important in expanding the scope of its support. Although the Children's Fund provides a wide range of support for children's learning, it is only those that are labeled and recognized by the public and private sectors that are eligible for support, he said. On the other hand, what was apparent from the first year's applications was that there are still "nameless problems" in the world that are not yet in the spotlight and are not being adequately supported.
This research grant is an initiative to solve such "unnamed problems" together with the people involved and the people around them. In fact, everyone has problems related to themselves to a greater or lesser extent. First of all, we would like you to introduce this kind of research as the theme of your research project (see the application web page). Then, if there are middle and high school students who are interested, we would like them to take the first step by utilizing this program. By each of you researching your own problems, you will shed light on social issues that until now have not been illuminated or seen by anyone. The accumulation of such efforts should lead to a better society where no one is left behind. (Text: Kohei Hashimoto)

Science Castle Research Funding Now Open for Applications

There are no Science Castle research funds available at this time.