


2024.07.22 Toward the solution of human problems by challenging the "cell," the smallest unit of living creatures! Science Castle 2023 Kansai Digest
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.06.04 Why do decorative flowers remain after winter? The Mystery of the Gaku Hydrangea [Science Castle 2023 Kanto Digest].
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.07.22 With "friend" as a keyword, we unravel the action of "helping others! Science Castle 2023 Kansai Digest
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.07.22 Petals produce their own vitamin C! Uncovering the Hidden Potential of Plants [Science Castle 2023 Kansai Digest].
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.05.31 Beetle gut bacteria explore the "benefits of living in the gut! [Digest of Science Castle 2023 Kanto Conference
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.05.31 Giving Visible Form to Invisible Phenomena! Elucidating Heart Synchronization [Science Castle 2023 Kanto Digest].
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.05.31 Bioinformatics Research Opens the Way to Future Medical Research [Digest of Science Castle 2023 Kanto Conference].
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.05.30 I want to elucidate the beautiful charm of tussocks through research! Mr. Komatsu's Challenge [Science Castle 2023 Kanto Digest].
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
  • Digest of Oral Presentations
  • Research Tips
2024.06.05 Science Castle 2024 national competition call for entries is now open!
  • Notice
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Teachers
【研究・探究応援の事例紹介】慶應義塾普通部 労作展の受賞エピソードでリバネスが紹介されました
2024.03.07 Keio University's General Education Department: RIVERNESS was introduced in an award-winning episode of the Labor Exhibition.
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
  • Research Advisor
  • Research Tips