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- Notice of Kansai Conference
Science Castle Japan 2025 will be held at Kansai University on March 22, 2025! Call for abstracts for presentation is now open (deadline extended to Feb. 13)!
LIVERNESS Corporation will hold a meeting on Saturday, March 22, 2025, at Kansai University, Senriyama Campus, Kansai, Japan.Science Castle Japan 2025The event will be held at the following location.
This conference will be positioned as the Japan Domestic Conference in Science Castle 2025 to be held in Southeast Asia and Japan. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are invited from all over Japan, and the conference will produce a "super high school-level research community" consisting of 12 oral presentations and 80 poster presentations on the day of the conference. Selected oral presenters will be given the opportunity to discuss and receive advice on their research activities and presentation content with the Science Bridge Communicators at RIVANES.
The day of the conference will also be an opportunity for all presenters to gain new hints for taking their research a step further through their presentations to young researchers and partner companies, etc., who will be responsible for research coaching. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to accelerate your research by participating in the conference from all over Japan. We look forward to receiving many abstract submissions and participating in the conference!
Outline of the Convention
Name of the event: Science Castle Japan 2025
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025, 9:30-18:00
Place: Kansai University, Senriyama Campus (Access)
Contents: Keynote speeches, 12 oral presentations, 80 poster presentations, poster review by young researchers, booth planning and special events by partner companies
Hosted by: LIVERNESS Co.
Cooperation: Faculty of Systems Science and Engineering, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Kansai University
About ▼Entry
Entries for oral and poster presentations are as follows
- Entry deadline: for both oral and poster presentationsYear 2025
Wednesday, January 29Sunday, February 13, 18:00
How to enter: Please see the following web page for details.
▼Entry Eligibility
Oral presentations are for individuals.
We will select candidates based on their documents and submitted videos, with an emphasis on individual passion.If you are working on a research project as a team, please select one principal investigator and submit your entry. In addition,One principal investigator is required to make a presentation and answer questions on the day of the event. Please note that changes to the presenter after entry will not be permitted.
Poster presentations are open to both individuals and teams.
One Principal Investigator will be selected for entry, but all members of the team may make presentations. Since there is a limit to the number of abstracts that can be presented, we plan to conduct a document review depending on the number of entries.
▼ Notes on Entry
If you wish to make an oral presentation, you must submit a video document.
At Science Castle, we value individual passion for research. For this reason, we ask applicants who wish to make an oral presentation to submit a video to help us better understand their passion. In your video, please express your passion to the fullest extent, which cannot be conveyed through documents alone.
*Videos may be viewed by judges and partner companies.
In your video, please discuss the following Video should be no longer than 2 minutes. No subtitles, special effects, or other editing is required. Self-portraits with smartphones or other devices are acceptable.
- self-introduction
- Why did you decide to do this study and how did the study begin?
- Points of ingenuity and trial-and-error in conducting research, such as experimental methods and construction of the research environment
- What we want to clarify and realize through our research
For details, please see the page on video recording for oral presentation entries.
Registration of instructor information is required.
You will need to have your instructor (school teacher, parent, or other) obtain a LIBANES ID and then register the instructor's information (enter the e-mail address registered with the LIBANES ID). Please be sure to confirm with your instructor before registering your application. If you do not have an instructor, please register your parent/guardian as well.
*Information regarding the day of the tournament will be sent to applicants and their leaders.
A written consent form must be submitted by the instructor.
The applicant must complete and submit a consent form for consent to be photographed on the day of the event and to be listed on the abstract search site. In addition to filling out the required information, the form must be signed and stamped by a parent or guardian and signed by the applicant him/herself. We recommend that you prepare this form as early as possible, so please be sure to check it when considering your application.
For information on other entries, please visit the Science Castle'sEntry Explanation PagePlease be sure to check the
After this conference, we will hold Singapore 2025 in April, Malaysia 2025 in July, Asia 2025 in October, and Science Castle World 2025 in December (venue: Tokyo). We hope that many people will engage in research with enthusiasm and find their research interesting. And above all, we want to have friends to do research with! I want to talk with researchers from universities and companies! We are looking forward to receiving entries from such junior and senior high school student researchers.
The venue for the conference is provided by Kansai University, Faculty of Systems Science and Engineering, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Engineering, and Faculty of Chemistry and Biotechnology, which are cooperating institutions.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
(Please do not contact Kansai University, the venue of the event.)
<Contact us
Educational Development Division, LIVERNESS Corporation (Attn: Naka Eishin)
E-mail: [email protected]