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Science Castle 2020 Kanto Meeting Schedule Changed and Venue Determined
The dates and venues for Science Castle 2020 Kanto have been set.
Name: Science Castle 2020 Kanto
Date: Sunday, December 20, 2020
Place: Yokohama Soei Junior and Senior High School (Yokohama Soei Junior and Senior High School)Access)
*The event was originally scheduled to be held on December 19 (Sat.) and 20 (Sun.), but it has been decided to hold the event on December 20 (Sun.) only.
Science Castle will be updated from "a place to present research" to "a place to make new friends". Because each student has different interests, the research topics presented here are diverse. Science Castle will create connections not only among junior and senior high school student researchers, but also with researchers from companies, universities, and research institutes in order to extend the research of individual students and teams, and sometimes to create new research themes through mutual collaboration.
We sincerely welcome entries to the Kanto Conference from junior and senior high school student researchers, regardless of region.
Also at Science Castle 2020 Kanto,Universities and companies participating as partnersWe are looking for people who are interested in the following RIVANES is committed to the long-term development of human resources interested in science and technology by communicating to children in an easy-to-understand manner the appeal of university and corporate research and technology. Also,By adapting their knowledge and interest in difficult science and technology to their counterparts' knowledge and interest, not only will they develop their communication skills, but it will also provide an opportunity for researchers to reflect on their own origins.
Universities and companies interested in working to increase the number of people who will create the future together are invited to contact us at the following address.
<Inquiries about the Kanto Convention
Tokyo Head Office of LIVANES Corporation Attn: Nakajima, Maeda, Tachibana, Nishiyama
TEL: 03-5227-4198
E-mail: [email protected]