- Science Castle Research Fund
Science Castle Research Fund 2019 Honda Award Winners Announced
As part of the Next Generation Hydrogen Education Project (*1),Continuing from FY 2018, the Science Castle Research Fund Honda Award was established this year to foster the next generation of hydrogen energy research talent, and we invited applications again this year. We received a variety of research themes from all over Japan, and after a rigorous screening process, five teams were selected for the award.
Research Themes | school's name |
Ion Exchange Phenomena in Glass Vessels | Gunma National College of Technology |
Study on the Possibility of Hydrogen Fermentation Using Okayama Fruits as Biomass 2 | Okayama Prefectural Tamano High School |
Hydrogen Eco-Ropeway | Osaka City Miyahara Junior High School |
Possibility of hydrogen fermentation with specialties of Miura | Miura City Hatsue Junior High School |
Improving the efficiency of power generation by devising the shape of electrodes | Nagoya University Junior and Senior High School attached to the Faculty of Education |
*1Next generation hydrogen education project:
The "Next Generation Hydrogen Education Project" launched by Honda and LEVANES in 2015 is an activity to provide the next generation, the bearers of the future, with hydrogen energy experiences in elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, university classes, environmental events hosted by local governments, and at Honda fan appreciation events, so that they can think about the future together. The "Next Generation Hydrogen Education Project" is an activity to provide the next generation, who will be responsible for the future, with hands-on experience of hydrogen energy and to think about the future together. We have developed our own hydrogen energy teaching materials and have conducted on-site experimental classes at schools throughout Japan. Also,Beginning in FY 2018, the Science Castle Research Fund Honda Award has been established to foster the next generation of hydrogen energy research talent.
<Inquiries regarding this matter
Leave a Nest Co., Ltd.
Science Castle Research Funded Riverness Award Attn: Nakajima, Hanasato
Phone number: 03-5227-4198
E-mail [email protected]