
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention

Kanto Tournament Result

関東大会 実施結果

December 20, 2015

Science Castle 2015 Kanto Conference closed with great success.

We will report on the results.

Number of publications

41 schools 88 abstracts (including oral and poster)

Number of participants

the number of people Percentage increase (compared to 2014)
pupil 309 Name 146%
teacher 60 persons 143%
Other visitors 93 Name -
plan 462 Name 139%

Award Results

commendation school Title.
Science Castle Grand Prize The University of Tokyo Secondary School of Education Biology Department Misuzu Kaga Environmental Adaptation in Plants Based on Stomatal Opening and Closing Motions
TEPIA Award Keito Masaka, Science Club, Ouchi Junior High School, Yurihonjo, Akita, Japan Development of long-lasting bottles with regular toque sound
ICU Award Hiratsuka Agricultural High School, Kanagawa Prefecture Horticultural Science Research Group Yuto Suzuki Capsule development using hydrogel and divalent iron ions
Science Castle Special Jury Prize Yokohama Science Frontier High School, Yokohama, Japan, 2nd Year Research Project (SL II) Mika Tanaka Specially shaped cells of obtusa key to photosynthesis
Science Castle Special Jury Prize Fukushima Seikei High School, Department of Natural Science Ikegami Mina The absorption capacity of Sr2+ in Mikazukimo
Science Castle Best Poster Award Shimizu Sakuragaoka Shizuoka City Shimizu Sakuragaoka High School Parasitic "Anisakis" and marine life
Science Castle Poster Special Award Wakayama Shinai High School Shinai High School 2 Science Department Masanami Yamamoto On the shape of the air coming out of the non-circular hole of an air cannon

The official release is scheduled for the 25th.