


【大阪】12月19日(日)にサイエンスキャッスル2021 関西大会を開催!富田林高等学校 梅川翔平さんが最優秀賞を授賞
2021.12.21 Osaka】Science Castle 2021 Kansai Competition was held on Sunday, December 19! Shohei Umekawa, Tondabayashi Senior High School, won the Grand Prize
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
2021.12.20 Science Castle 2021 Kanto Competition was held on Sunday, December 19, 2012! Showa Junior and Senior High School Attached to Showa Women's University won the Grand Prize!
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
【大阪】12/19(日)サイエンスキャッスル2021 関西大会を大阪明星学園 明星中学校・明星高等学校にて開催します
2021.12.17 Osaka】Science Castle 2021 Kansai Conference will be held at Meisei Junior High School and Meisei Senior High School on December 19 (Sun.)
  • Notice
  • Uncategorized
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
2021.12.17 Important】Reopening of Science Castle 2021 Kanto Tourist Registration and Information on the Venue
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
関東大会 教員向け研修会参加者募集「グループディスカッションを可視化することで、生徒の行動変容を促す」
2021.11.11 Kanto Conference Call for Participants in Training Workshop for Teachers "Visualizing Group Discussions to Promote Behavior Change in Students"
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
サイエンスキャッスル2021 東北大会の口頭発表・ポスター発表の演題が決定しました!
2021.12.03 Abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the Science Castle 2021 Tohoku Conference have been selected!
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
サイエンスキャッスル2021 企業向け見学ツアー募集中!
2021.12.01 Science Castle 2021 corporate tours are now available!
  • Featured
  • Notice
  • Company-supported projects
  • Notice common to all competitions
  • Kanto Convention
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
2021.10.01 Science Castle 2021 Tohoku Competition to be held on Saturday, January 29, 2021! Now accepting entries! (Deadline: 10/31)
  • Featured
  • Notice
  • Tohoku Conference
サイエンスキャッスル2021 関東大会・関西大会の口頭発表・ポスター発表の演題が決定しました!
2021.11.19 Abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the Science Castle 2021 Kanto and Kansai Conferences have been selected!
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
【学校向け】サイエンスキャッスル2021関東大会 見学者受付中止のお知らせ
2021.12.07 Science Castle 2021 Kanto Meeting: Notice of Cancellation of Acceptance of Visitors
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention