


九州大会 基調講演「線虫健康寿命の見える化新技術で挑む、 ネオLIFESPAN革命!!」
2021.12.06 Kyushu Conference Keynote Speech: "Neo-LIFESPAN Revolution, Challenged by New Technology for Visualization of Healthy Life Span of Nematode Worms!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
サイエンスキャッスル研究費 ハイラブル賞 募集開始
2021.12.01 Science Castle Research Fund Hi-Lable Award Call for Applications Now Open
  • Notice
  • Science Castle Research Fund
2021.11.30 Kyushu Conference] Abstract submission has been extended until December 3.
  • Notice
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Kyushu Convention
【実施報告】 11/12 (金) に教員向け オンラインセミナー「伝わる研究プレゼンの心構え -自分の「やりたい!」を言葉にするために-」を 開催いたしました!
2021.11.26 On Friday, November 12, we held an online seminar for faculty members, "Preparing for a communicative research presentation - To put your "I want to do it! The seminar was held on November 12 (Fri.), 2012!
  • Information for Teachers
  • Research Tips
サイエンスキャッスル2021 各大会における感染症拡大防止策について
2021.11.19 Science Castle 2021 Measures to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Diseases at Each Conference
  • Notice common to all competitions
2021.11.19 Kansai】Researchers wanted for research discussions with junior high and high school students [Registration deadline: Wed, Nov. 24].
  • Notice
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
2021.11.10 Educational program using model rockets, 6th year of evolution!
  • Information for Teachers
【建築・廃熱利用テーマ】情熱・先端 Mission-E 2021年度募集開始!【関東・北九州地域 】
2021.04.21 Themes for Construction and Waste Heat Utilization] Passionate and Cutting-edge Mission-E: Applications for FY2021 are now being accepted! Kanto and Kitakyushu Area
  • Notice
  • Company-supported projects
2021.11.01 Science Castle 2021 Kyushu Conference Date Set for Sunday, January 23, 2021! Entries are now being accepted! (Deadline: 11/30)
  • Notice
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Kyushu Convention
  • Information for Teachers
2021.09.10 Announcement of Science Castle Research Fund THK Award 2021 recipients!
  • Company-supported projects