


2023.11.30 @Kanto Conference (12/2) "Biodiversity x Environmental Data" for your research theme!
  • Kanto Convention
<満員御礼>@関東大会(12/2)いきモノづくり ワークショップ〜 生き物の特徴を生かして、新しい製品を生み出そう!〜
2023.09.26 @Kanto Conference (12/2) Ikimonozukuri Workshop - Let's create new products by utilizing the characteristics of living creatures! 〜The workshop will be held on December 2, 2012.
  • Kanto Convention
【12/2土 聴講者募集中 】サイエンスキャッスル2023関東大会を開催します
2023.11.21 Science Castle 2023 Kanto Conference will be held.
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
2015.09.04 Presentation topics of participating schools in 2014
  • Notice
サイエンスキャッスル2022 中四国大会のポスター演題の申請を10/31(月)まで追加募集!
2022.09.30 Additional applications for poster abstracts for the Science Castle 2022 Chugoku-Shikoku Conference are accepted until Monday, October 31!
  • Notice
  • Chugoku and Shikoku Tournaments
【岡山】3月20日(日)にサイエンスキャッスル2021 中四国大会を開催!岡山理科大学附属高等学校 奥田 晃人さんが最優秀賞を授賞
2022.03.22 Okayama】Science Castle 2021 Chugoku-Shikoku Tournament was held on Sunday, March 20! Mr. Akihito Okuda of Okayama University of Science Senior High School won the Grand Prize!
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
  • Notice common to all competitions
【サイエンスキャッスル 中四国大会2022】12/10(土)中高生研究者による77件の研究発表を行います
2022.12.01 Science Castle Chugoku-Shikoku 2022] 77 research presentations by junior and senior high school student researchers on 12/10 (Sat.)
  • Chugoku and Shikoku Tournaments
12月23(日)・24(月・祝)サイエンスキャッスル2018 関東大会を開催しました!
2019.02.28 December 23 (Sun.) and 24 (Mon.) Science Castle 2018 Kanto Conference was held!
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention
2016.07.21 Report】Science Castle Seminar - Seeds of Research Seminar at Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan High School
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Consultation Service for Proposed Research
2023.09.28 Presenters and themes for oral presentations at Science Castle 2023 have been selected!
  • Notice
  • Chugoku and Shikoku Tournaments
  • Kanto Convention
  • Notice of Kansai Conference