Science Castle

project mother



Knowing the Mother Sea

How should humankind interact with the ocean and the Earth?

Unknown organisms, the existence of marine resources, undersea volcanic activity, and global environmental changes.
We still understand very little about the deep and wide ocean.
To unravel those vast unknown facts one by one and build up knowledge,
Perhaps they can give us a hint as to the direction humanity should be heading.

Meanwhile, research in the marine field is now undergoing a transformation with the development of fundamental technologies.
Surveying the distribution of organisms and seafloor topography in the ocean using unmanned probes, as well as monitoring ocean conditions using satellites,
Searching for the origin of life through genetic analysis technology and observation technology of crustal deformation of the seafloor, etc,
Researchers' energetic efforts have led to a series of breakthrough methods.

These state-of-the-art research methods and their implications for the oceans and the earth are being elucidated.
We will deliver new discoveries in an easy-to-understand manner.

PROJECT MOTHER is a project started in collaboration with the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and LIVANES.


PROJECT MOTHER is implementing a project at JAMSTEC to learn about the ocean and the earth.
Through the Marine Discovery Course, a program that allows participants to tour actual facilities while attending lectures and conducting mini-experiments, and online content distribution, the program provides opportunities to learn about the deep sea and the resources and global environment that lie therein.

Mini experimental movie

This video content allows you to learn about the deep sea, the Earth, and the marine environment through the mini-experiments actually conducted in the Marine Discovery Course. Please take a look! We also hope that teachers will find it useful as a hint for their classes!

A close look at the history of the earth!
~Formation coring experiment ~.

Polar cold is key!
~Deep Circulation Experiment

The special ecosystem of the deep sea as seen through photosynthesis
~ Photosynthesis Experiment


Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology