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Important】Science Castle 2022 Abstract Registration is now open.
2022.06.01![[Important] Science Castle 2022 Abstract Registration Now Open</trp-post-container](https://s-castle.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2022/06/scentry2022-1024x687.png)
Science Castle, an academic society for junior and senior high school students, provides opportunities to present their research, subsidies for research expenses, and research support by about 100 researchers from the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, science, engineering, and agriculture for junior and senior high school students who are challenging all kinds of research, from natural science to humanities and social science. We are looking for colleagues who want to learn more about the interesting aspects of research and science and technology, and who want to hone their ability to take on new challenges by themselves, for which no one knows the answers! Any field is welcome, from natural sciences to humanities and social sciences. We are open to all kinds of research, from basic to applied. We are looking forward to receiving your enthusiastic abstract registrations!
About abstract submission: ▶︎▶︎Click here for abstract submission
This year, Science Castle will be held in five locations in Kanto, Chugoku, Shikoku, Tohoku, Kyushu, and Kansai. As a "gateway to success for researchers," Science Castle will change its content and application period this year, and all of us at RIVANES are committed to making it a place where junior and senior high school student researchers can make further breakthroughs in their careers.The call for abstracts for this year's competition will be significantly different from this year's call for entries and the time frame for submitting an abstract.
(1) Eligibility for Oral and Poster Presentations and Abstract Submission Period
The following are the eligibility and registration periods for oral and poster abstracts.
Oral presentations are open to individual students.
Documents and presentations will be screened with emphasis on individual passions.
No change of presenter will be allowed after entry.
One representative is required to make a presentation and answer questions.
*If you are working on a research project with a team, please select a Principal Investigator before entering your research.
Poster presentations are open to either individuals or teams.
One principal investigator must be selected, but all members of the team may make a presentation.
The maximum number of abstracts will be set for each conference, and document review will be conducted.
Abstract submission period
Abstract registration for oral presentations will begin in June and for poster presentations in August.
Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions for oral presentations is earlier than in previous years.
<Abstract submission period
Oral Presentations Abstract Registration
Application period: June 1 (Wed) - July 31 (Sun)
Poster Presentation Abstract Registration
Application period: Monday, August 1 - Friday, September 30
(2) Steps for selecting oral presenters - Kick-off event to be held in August
A pre-screening event will be held where selected students from the abstract registrants for oral presentations will give their presentations.
Kick-off Event Schedule
Dates: Wednesday, August 17 / Sunday, August 21, 13:00-17:00
Format: Online
About abstract submission: ▶︎▶︎
For an overview of this year's event and details on how to enter, please visit the Science Castle website.
>> Science Castle 2022 Official Website
We look forward to meeting many middle and high school researchers and teachers at the venue again this year!
<Contact us
Educational Development Division, LIVERNESS Co.
E-mail: [email protected]