Science Castle

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For Researchers

  1. 01Currently recruiting research coaches and poster judges
  2. 02Research Coach Registration Information
  3. 03What a fledgling teenage researcher is looking for
  4. 04What a Research Coach Can Bring to You
  5. 05What exactly do we do?
  6. 06Poster Judges
  7. 07Frequently Asked Questions

Currently recruiting research coaches and poster judges

  1. Science Castle 2025Wanted.(Thank you for all the submissions)
    Reference:Poster Jury Application Overview
  2. Marine Challenge Program 2025 Applications Now Accepted
    Details:Research Coach Recruitment Overview

Research Coach Registration Information

Thank you very much for your continued understanding and cooperation in the educational and research activities of Leave a Nest.

In the fiscal year of 2023, a total of 57 research coaches were active in this program. In fiscal year 2023, a total of 57 research coaches were active. This is because we have expanded the presentation guidance and poster presentation screening, which were provided only by Leave a Nest employees when Science Castle was launched in 2012, by accepting registrations from a wide range of graduate students, university researchers, and corporate researchers.

Research Coach Case Study


What a fledgling teenage researcher is looking for

Imagine if you had started research when you were in junior high school. There are cases where students can receive support for transportation expenses, as in the case of SSH-designated schools, but there are also cases where there happen to be no specialists at nearby universities, In such cases, we have asked our research coaches to provide online guidance and to be as flexible as possible in terms of geographical and time constraints.

We hope that research coaches will share the following based on their own experiences of learning from us.


  • Information about your research field
  • How to research previous studies
  • How to formulate a hypothesis or plan a research project
  • How to conduct the experiment
  • How to present and describe the information in a way that is easy to convey
  • About yourself (why you are doing the research, your future plans as a researcher, etc.)


The type of teenagers we will work with will be assigned according to the research theme, based on the registration information (keywords in the field of expertise, etc.) of those who are willing to cooperate as coaches. However, we do not necessarily pair researchers who are "in the same field and in the same direction," as the themes submitted by teens tend to be more diverse, and the expertise of the research coaches is also characterized by a variety of directions, so that the coaches are often paired across fields. The number of coaches is also increasing, and the number of research coaches is also increasing.


What a Research Coach Can Bring to You

The purpose of the Research Coach Program is to support the research of the next generation. At the same time, it is also our strong intention that the researchers who serve as research coaches will "get back what they have supported. This is something that RIVERNESS employees have actually felt while coaching presentations and engaging in discussions that deepen research, and I believe it is what makes the "Research Coach" program so rewarding and enjoyable.


Here are some testimonials from those who have served as research coaches, including


  • I was able to gain insight into teaching students in the lab on a daily basis.
  • I was happy that the high school students I worked with chose to pursue research.
  • In a day-to-day life where I tend to get caught up in papers, being exposed to the pure curiosity of the next generation reminded me of how much I enjoy research.
  • The enthusiasm, passion, perspectives and ideas of the children's research presentations were wonderful and greatly influenced me.


Please also allow me to present this in the form of an interview article.

interview (i.e. television, newspaper, etc.)


What exactly do we do?

Research & Presentation Guidance

You will be paired mainly with an oral presenter, who will listen to your research progress orally and give you advice on how to keep you on track to get your research results within the deadline. The research coaches are encouraged to speak to the presenters in their own words, listening to their aspirations, such as "I have a passion, but I don't know how to deepen it as research," or "I want to present my research in a more understandable way, but I don't know how to do it. Advice can be given by tag-teaming with a Leave a Nest communicator to discuss the direction of the project.

Poster Judges

At the conference, you will serve as a poster judge. This is a rare opportunity for teenage researchers and research coaches to come together. The teenage researchers are inspired by the sense of accomplishment and motivation for the next stage of their research through the dialogue at the conference. On the other hand, the research coaches have also been very stimulated by seeing their "juniors" struggling.

For your reference, here are the request specifications for the 2024 poster jury.

If you are interested in serving as a research coach, please register your area of expertise and keywords using the registration form below. Based on your registration information, we will pair you with a teenager's research topic, and Leave a Nest will contact you to let you know if this is the case.

We look forward to your continued understanding and cooperation in our educational and research activities at Leave a Nest.


Poster Judges

Science Castle Japan 2025 Poster Jury for Junior High and High School Students

Science Castle, a conference for junior high and high school students, is looking for young researchers to judge poster sessions and hold discussions with junior high and high school students at the conference in March. Why don't you join us to discuss with junior and senior high school students at the conference, where about 400 junior and senior high school students gather at each venue, and nurture your future research colleagues together? We are looking forward to receiving many applications!

Effective Date Saturday, March 22, 2025
Implementation time 8:45-18:00 (Science Castle hours: 9:30-18:00)
Activities Judging at poster presentations at Science Castle domestic competitions
Subject to review 80 poster abstracts presented by individuals or teams 10 years of age or older and under 22 years of age at various national Science Castle competitions
*Poster judges will be asked to share the responsibility of judging the posters.
Application Requirements Must be enrolled in a master's program or have a master's degree, or be enrolled in a doctoral program or have a doctoral degree.
Compensation and transportation 10,000 yen flat fee for outsourcing
*Transportation expenses to the venue on the day of the event shall be included in the above compensation.
Flow Chart for Conference Participation 1 Register by clicking on the "Poster Jury Application Form" button.
2 Participate in an online pre-briefing session. *Applicants will be contacted.
3 Poster Jury Adoption Contact.
4 Submission of a Letter of Acceptance.
5 Participation in conferences.
application deadline Thursday, February 13, 2025, 19:00

Poster Jury Movement


Frequently Asked Questions

About the Examination

Are there presentations in fields other than the natural sciences?

There are. The Science Castle is open to all kinds of research, with no restrictions on the field. Past abstracts are,Past Conference Pagesfor more information.

What are some of the screening criteria?

Screening will be based on the following four items

Is there an interesting question or awareness of an issue, or a unique point of view?
Passion] Do you have curiosity about the subject of your research and a willingness to take on challenges?
[Research Cycle] Are you able to repeatedly examine and consider hypothesis testing and design development?
Can you think and talk about the development of your research on your own?

Can I choose which posters to judge?

You cannot choose. We will match the themes with those of the junior and senior high school students, taking into consideration the areas of expertise of the research advisors in advance of their talks. If there is a poster presentation that interests you, we encourage you to attend it during your free time.

Submission of documents to your organization

I need to submit a letter of permission to work as a poster judge for my company. Can you prepare it for me?

It can be created. If you have a specified format, please send it to

Science Castle window:

Can private researchers participate?

Participation is possible. Please check with your organization as you may need to apply for dual employment, etc.

Outsourcing Expenses

Does the outsourcing fee paid vary depending on whether the business to which I belong is registered as an invoice holder or not?

No fluctuation. A flat fee of 10,000 yen will be paid.

Are transportation expenses paid separately?

The cost of transportation to the venue on the day of the event shall be included in the 10,000 yen business consignment fee.

Can you issue a Certificate of Withholding Tax?

Issuance is possible. Please contact the secretariat.