- Science Castle Research Fund
- Information for Middle and High School Researchers
Science Castle Research Grant Hi-Lability Award winners selected! Bridge Fellows will provide support for the project.
As a result of a strict screening process, the following three researchers were selected for the "Science Castle Research Fund Hi-Lable Award 2022," which is part of the project "Operation Biotic Communication: Making Friends with All Living Things," jointly managed by Hi-Lable, Focus Systems, Inc. and Libanes, Inc. The following three winners were selected.
Akinao Shibata, Tohoku Gakuin Junior & Senior High School
"A Study of Dragonflies: Unraveling a Unique Relationship During Hatching."
Marina Ikeda, Showa High School attached to Showa Women's University
'The wavelengths or rhythms of frequencies from which cats escape.'
Yasumitsu Fujiyoshi, Asano Junior & Senior High School
The Role of Mushrooms in Forest Ecosystems and Their Relationships with Other Organisms: Kinocommunication.
We received 33 applications this year as a result of our call for "all kinds of research on living organisms". Thank you very much for the many applications.
Operation BioCommunication - Friends with All Living Things" aims to create connections across generations of people with an inquisitive mind for living things, and between companies and researchers, and to realize communication with living things by revitalizing research in the field of biology.
Project Site:https://www.hylable.com/dolittle/friends/
As part of this effort, this research fund will solicit ideas from junior and senior high school student researchers and provide a grant of 50,000 yen and mentoring for their research.
The research mentoring will be provided by the following three young researchers who have been selected through the Bridge Fellowship Program of Hi-Lable, Inc.
Ms. Natsumi Habanobe (The University of Tokyo)
Tomohide Miyamoto (Tohoku University)
Tadashi Ibarata (Tokyo City University)
Bridge Fellows will work in parallel with the company on collaborative projects while receiving research grants from the company themselves, and will accompany junior and senior high school students in their research as senior researchers.
Through this initiative, Hi-Lable Inc., Focus Systems Inc. and Liverness Inc. will work to help companies promote research in the field of biology by middle and high school students and young researchers, and to help them develop their research careers.
Hi-Lable Award Application Page
About the Bridge Fellowship Program
Launched the "Bridge Fellowship" service to generate "R&D" led by non-R&D divisions.
Operation Biotic Communication - Friends with All Living Things
Inquiries about this matter
Koyama, Tachibana ([email protected]), Educational Development Division, Liverness, Inc.