- Notice
- Information for Middle and High School Researchers
- Information for Teachers
Science Castle 2023 Call for Entries Now Open
Entries for Science Castle 2023 will open on Thursday, June 1, 2023!
Science Castle, a conference for junior high and high school students, started in 2012 as a "gateway to success for researchers," and every year more than 1,500 junior high and high school students "next-generation researchers" with a passion for research participate from across Japan. In addition to junior high and high school students, the conference also serves as a forum for interactive discussions among people of different generations and fields, including university and corporate researchers, graduate students, and venture capitalists. Through these activities, RIVANES aims to realize a place that connects next-generation researchers with society.
This year, Science Castle 2023 has updated its initiatives, including the return of the Asian competition and the introduction of video judging, to make Science Castle 2023 a place where individual passions are the starting point and connections are made with a more diverse group of colleagues. I love research! I want to have friends to do research with! I want to talk with researchers from universities and companies! We are looking forward to receiving many entries from such junior and senior high school student researchers.
*Make sure to ask about the entry method.Conference EntryPlease check the page of
Tournament Outline
Science Castle 2023 Kanto Conference
Date and Time Saturday, December 2
Place: Showa Junior and Senior High School attached to Showa Women's University
Science Castle 2023 Kansai Conference
Date and Time December 17 (Sun.)
Place: Osaka Meisei Gakuen Meisei Junior and Senior High School
Science Castle 2023 Chugoku-Shikoku Conference
Date and Time Saturday, December 23
Place: Okayama University of Science, Okayama Campus
Science Castle ASEAN
Date & Time October 21 (Sat.) & 22 (Sun.)
Location Rekascape (tentative)
The web, entry, and schedule for the ASIA competition are different from those for the domestic competition, so please click here (Japanese only).https://en.s-castle.com/(see below).
*The Tohoku and Kyushu tournaments will not be held in FY2023. We hope that students from the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions and Kyushu region will consider participating in other competitions.
Entry Deadline
Oral Presentations Thursday, August 31, 2023 18:00
Poster Presentation Friday, September 29, 2023 18:00
Due to some reports of problems with the form, we have decided to accept entries until 23:59 on Saturday, September 30.
ご質問等がございましたら[email protected]までご連絡ください.
Entry Eligibility
Oral presentations are for individual students.
Selection will be made based on documents and submitted videos, with emphasis on individual passions. Please note that changes in presenters after entry will not be accepted. If you are working on a research project as a team, please select one principal investigator and submit your entry. Please note that the presentation and Q&A session on the day of the event will be presented by the single principal investigator.
Poster presentations are open to both individuals and teams.
One principal investigator will be selected to enter the competition, but all members of the team may make a presentation. A limit on the number of abstracts will be set for each competition, and document review will be conducted.
Features of FY2023
Video submission will be introduced for oral presentation entries!
At Science Castle, we value individual passion for research. For this reason, starting in FY2023, we have decided to add the submission of videos to oral presentation entries in order to better understand the passion of middle and high school students for their research. In the videos we ask you to submit, please express your passion to the fullest extent, which cannot be conveyed through documents alone. The videos may be viewed by the judges and partner companies.
[What I want you to be sure to talk about in the video
About Research
Why did you decide to do this study and how did the study begin?
Points of ingenuity and trial-and-error in conducting research, such as experimental methods and construction of the research environment
For more information.Video Recording of Oral Presentation Entriespage for more information.
*Riverness communicators support the research of oral presenters!
Junior and senior high school student researchers selected for oral presentations will receive support for their research activities from RIVANES communicators, including discussion of experiments, analysis and discussion of results, and assistance in preparing presentation materials. Let's create better research and presentations through discussion together.
*Make sure to ask about the entry method.Conference EntryPlease check the page of
If you have any questions, please contact us at
<Contact us
Educational Development Division, LIVERNESS Co.
E-mail: [email protected]