Science Castle

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  • Notice common to all competitions

Applications for 2019 are now open!

Open for 2019 Applications

Science Castle was launched in 2012 with the vision of "creating a culture and environment for junior high and high school students to conduct research around the world. In FY2019, under the concept of "meeting fellow researchers," we will create a place where all participants can meet and discuss new research themes and research with their peers, The University will create opportunities for all participants to meet and discuss new research themes and research-related topics with their peers. Discussions with experts based on their own hypotheses and verified results are a step forward in advancing research. In order to discover a new phenomenon or to create something that does not exist in the world, the fellow students who are conducting research together are a great source of strength.

1. a maximum of 120 presenters per conference.

2. 12 oral presentations will be selected for each conference (no change from 2018).

3. 48 poster presentations will be eligible for poster judging on the day of the event.

Judging and discussion on the day of the event
Oral presentations: Oral presentations will be reviewed by a panel of judges from partner companies and universities, and posters will be presented for free discussion, D. degree or equivalent advanced research experience. Discussable Poster Presentations: Open discussions with young researchers of master's degree or above will be held to develop their research.

We have been experimenting with mechanisms to support individual junior and senior high school student researchers, such as the Science Castle Research Fund, and have seen various results in recent years, including awards at other academic societies, utilization in recommendations and AO entrance examinations, and applications for utility models. We will make changes to foster and support junior and senior high school student researchers as individuals as a gateway to success for the researchers of the future.

Registration for participants on the day of the event

  • Registration is required for all participants on the day of the event, regardless of whether they are presenters or audience members.
  • However, if a school wishes to attend the lecture as a group, a group application will be accepted.
  • Information on the day of the event will be sent to the above-mentioned individual or group registered representatives.

Entry registration for presentation abstracts】】 【Registration for presentation abstracts

  • The individual principal investigator will complete the abstract submission process (email address is required).
  • The name of the faculty member in charge is an optional field.
  • The name of the person responsible for safeguarding your child's participation in the conference must be provided (e.g., teacher if participation is part of a school activity, parent or guardian if participation is for an individual).
  • All communications regarding the presentation will be sent to the Principal Investigator.

Speakers of Oral Presentations】】 【Speakers of Oral Presentations

  • In principle, only one representative is allowed to give an oral presentation. Only the representative may make a presentation and participate in the Q&A session.
  • Poster presentations will allow all members of the team to present.

Oral presentations

  • The Grand Prize and the respective prizes selected by a panel of oral presentation judges will be awarded to the research teams.

Poster Presentation

  • Twelve selected for oral presentations will receive an Award of Excellence for their team.
  • The 48 posters selected for poster judging will be awarded the Best Poster Award and each poster award to the team selected by the poster judges.