


サイエンスキャッスル2021九州大会速報:鹿児島県立 鶴丸高校二反田 愛 さんが最優秀賞を授賞。
2022.03.22 Science Castle 2021 Kyushu Competition Preliminary Report: Kagoshima Prefectural Tsurumaru High School's Ai Futananda won the Grand Prize.
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
2022.03.13 Important】Change to Online Poster Presentations for the Kyushu and Tohoku Conferences in March
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Kyushu Convention
  • Information for Teachers
  • Tohoku Conference
サイエンスキャッスル2021 九州大会の口頭発表・ポスター発表の演題が決定しました!
2021.12.24 Abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the Science Castle 2021 Kyushu Conference have been selected!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
  • Information for Teachers
2022.01.19 Important】Notice of Postponement of Science Castle 2021 in January (Kyushu, Chugoku-Shikoku, and Tohoku Conferences)
  • Notice
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Kyushu Convention
  • Information for Teachers
  • Notice common to all competitions
  • Tohoku Conference
九州大会 教員向けセッション参加者募集「九州からワクワク研究を立ち上げましょう!」
2022.01.12 Kyushu Conference Call for Participants for Teachers' Session "Let's Launch Exciting Research from Kyushu!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
九州大会 生徒向け企画参加者募集「AIを活用し海洋・水環境に関わる研究を始めてみよう!」
2022.01.12 Kyushu Conference, Call for Student Project Participants "Let's start research related to marine and aquatic environments using AI!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
九州大会 生徒向け企画参加者募集「自分の研究を1分間でピッチしてみよう!」
2022.01.12 Kyushu Conference for Students "Pitch Your Research in One Minute!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
九州大会 企画参加者募集「熊本の研究開発型ベンチャーが取り組む研究成果の社会実装について知ろう!」
2022.01.12 Kyushu Conference Planning Call for Participants "Let's Learn about Social Implementation of Research Results by Kumamoto R&D Ventures!
  • Notice
  • Kyushu Convention
Tsunagu Research Project 第3期 説明会を行います
2021.11.15 Tsunagu Research Project 3rd phase information session will be held.
  • Information for Teachers
2021.12.22 Important] Lost and Found at Science Castle 2021 Kanto Conference
  • Notice
  • Kanto Convention