


2024.06.05 Science Castle Research Fund 2024 "Nippon Ham Award" is now open for applications.
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Research Tips
サイエンスキャッスル2024  ポスター発表申請に向けた説明会実施!
2024.03.03 Conducted briefing session for Science Castle 2024 poster presentation application!
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
2024.03.01 The second briefing session will be held for Science Castle Asia!
  • Notice
【研究・探究応援の事例紹介】慶應義塾普通部 労作展の受賞エピソードでリバネスが紹介されました
2024.03.07 Keio University's General Education Department: RIVERNESS was introduced in an award-winning episode of the Labor Exhibition.
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
  • Research Advisor
  • Research Tips
2024.03.04 Science Castle Research Fund 2024 "Astellas Award" is now open for applications!
  • Science Castle Research Fund
  • Announcements for middle and high school students
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Research Tips
サイエンスキャッスル研究費ベネッセこども基金D&I賞 の採択チームが決定しました
2023.10.03 Science Castle Research Fund Benesse Children's Fund D&I Award Selected Teams
  • Science Castle Research Fund
2023.12.01 For teachers and students】Information session for Science Castle Asia will be held!
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
2024.01.23 [Project for Teachers] Four-Dimensional Pockets to Create Tools Researchers Want to Make - 3D Printers to Use 3D Technology in Schools [Nippo Corporation].
  • Notice
  • Information for Teachers
  • Kanto Convention
ヴェオリア・ジェネッツ株式会社 エルガ・ラボウォーター事業部が超純水について理解を深めるブース展示を行いました!【サイエンスキャッスル関西大会】
2024.01.16 Veolia Genetics Corporation ERGA Lab Water Division exhibited a booth to promote understanding of ultrapure water! Science Castle Kansai Conference
  • Notice
  • Information for Middle and High School Researchers
  • Information for Teachers
  • Notice of Kansai Conference
【速報:中四国大会】12月23日(土)にサイエンスキャッスル2023 中四国大会を開催しました
2023.12.24 Science Castle 2023 Chugoku-Shikoku Conference was held on Saturday, December 23.
  • Featured
  • Notice
  • Chugoku and Shikoku Tournaments