Science Castle


Science Castle 2018 Kansai Conference

This competition has ended. Please see below for the number of participants and award-winning schools.

12/23 (Sun.) Science Castle 2018 Kansai Conference was held.

Date: Sunday, December 23, 2018, 9:30-18:00
Place: Osaka Meisei Gakuen Meisei Junior High School and Meisei Senior High School (5-44 Eisaki-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka, 543-0016, Japan)
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<Day by day

Hours. Contents
8:30- Reception start
9:30-9:45 opening ceremony
Special Lecture Dr. Kanaoka, President, Jinki-Ittai Corporation
Poster Presentations (odd numbers)
Poster Presentations (even numbers)
12:20-13:00 lunch break
12 oral presentations (7 minutes for presentation, 7 minutes for Q&A)
Workshops and booths by universities, companies, etc.
Awards Ceremony, Closing Ceremony, Commemorative Photo

New research starting today

On the day of the conference, you will gather with your peers who are passionately engaged in research, as well as senior researchers from universities and companies. By bouncing ideas off each other and accepting the ideas of others, new ideas are born. At the Kansai Conference, we will create a place where this chemical reaction will be born for each and every participant.

12 oral presentations

119 poster presentations

For more information on abstracts, please contactClick here

Subject of oral presentation

Grand PrizeAwarded to the research that is deemed to best "advance science and technology and contribute to the Earth" by the judges' scoring and discussion.
Special PrizeAwarded to the research deemed most suitable for the realization of the theme of the conference in the discussion by the jury.
Liberace AwardAwarded to the research presentations that we most want to see become part of the Rivanes team in the future.

Poster presentation subject
Science Castle Best Poster AwardAwarded to the research that is deemed to best "advance science and technology and contribute to the Earth" by the judges' scoring and discussion.
Science Castle Best Poster AwardAwarded to the research that is deemed to best "advance science and technology and contribute to the Earth" by the judges' scoring and discussion.
Science Castle Poster Special AwardAwarded to the one deemed most interesting as a result of the scoring by the participants

Subject to all announcements

Research Encouragement AwardAwarded to all presentations

From a secret base! Realizing 'humanoid heavy machinery' that frees people from hard labor"
Dr. Kanaoka
President and Representative Director, Jinki-Ittai Co.

In June 2018, a giant robot-type structure was launched in Shiga Prefecture. This is a secret base for the development of "humanoid heavy machinery," large robots that can be freely operated by humans. Dr. Kanaoka of "Jinki-Ittai," a venture company originating from Ritsumeikan University, is the creator of the machine. Dr. Kanaoka will talk about the background leading up to the company's founding, the future they hope to realize, and other world-changing research and development that will excite junior and senior high school students.

."Marine Challenge Program〜 Seeking junior high and high school students who want to try their hand at research related to the sea! ~"

We provide research grants and research support for junior and senior high school student researchers who are challenging all kinds of research related to the ocean, fisheries, and the aquatic environment. Come join us, friends who want to learn about the fun of scientific research and the ocean, and who want to hone their ability to take on new challenges for which no one knows the answers!

THK Co-education Project - We support those who want to try their hand at manufacturing!

."Science Castle Research Fund THK Awardand "Monozukuri Business Trip Class ProgramWe are conducting a "Make Your Own Stuff" event. If you would like to try your hand at manufacturing, please visit our booth! You can touch the contents of the traveling class on the theme of robot hands and wind power generation, as well as the actual products such as LM guides provided by the results of this year's research grant recipients and the next year's research grant.

Mr. Shuichiro Takahashi Head of Jury
Representative Director, President and COO, Liverness, Inc.

D. (Life Sciences), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
After completing his graduate studies, while continuing his research activities as a faculty member at the University of Tokyo, he established a research institute at RIVERNESS and built a foundation for research and development projects. He also devised a business model for the "Liberace Research Grant," a unique research grant, and "L-RAD," a database of unused research ideas, and has initiated many open innovation projects involving industry, academia, and education.

Mr. Kinzo Watanabe
Director, Japan Advanced Science and Technology Education and Human Resources Research and Development Organization

D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences), Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
After serving as a lecturer and associate professor at the Faculty of Life Science, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, he became a professor at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2008, retiring at the end of March of this year. He retired at the end of March of this year. His major fields of interest are natural product organic chemistry and biopharmaceutics. While at the Faculty of Life Sciences, he was engaged in research on the chemical structure, biosynthesis, and biological activity of low-molecular-weight organic compounds of marine benthic organisms such as mollusks, corals, and sponges.

Mr. Takeshi Nagasaki
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University

D. (Engineering), Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
After working as an assistant at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, and as a lecturer and associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University, he has been a professor since 2007, and has been the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering since 2018. Engaged in research on functional materials (medical materials and drug delivery systems) that contribute to advanced medicine.

Mr. Shin Hasegawa
Professor, Faculty of Bioscience, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology

D. (Science), Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
After working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Frontier Creation Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, he became a full-time lecturer at Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology in 2003, an associate professor in 2010, and a professor in 2015. He has been engaged in research on drug discovery and bioanalytical technology development based on chemical biology.

Mr. Kiyohiro Sugiyama
SEEDS Office, SEEDS, Organization for the Advancement of Education, Osaka University
Professor, Research Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science, Graduate School of Science

D. (Science), Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
After working as an assistant professor at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Osaka University, an associate professor at the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, and an associate professor at the Research Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, he has been in his current position since 2015. He specializes in high-field condensed matter physics, studying the behavior of strongly correlated electron systems in high magnetic fields. In his current position, he is involved in the management of the SEEDS program as a coordinator of the SEEDS program, one of the high school-university connection programs, and was awarded the 2017 Osaka University Prize.

Mr. Hiroshi Wada
Professor, Department of Physical Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University

D. in Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
After working as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow abroad (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Assistant Professor at the Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University, and Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan University, he has been in his current position since 2017. He specializes in continuum physics and biophysics. Recently, he has been particularly focusing on the study of macroscopic natural phenomena that appear in everyday life.

Dr. Kanaoka
President and Representative Director, Jinki-Ittai Co.

D. in Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Doctor of Engineering
Robot control engineer, inventor, entrepreneur and martial artist. His specialties include power amplification robots, master-slave systems, walking robots, and flying robots. He has independently proposed the concept of "man-machine synergy effector" (man-machine synergist) and has consistently researched and accumulated its implementation technology for the past ten years. In order to challenge the social implementation of robotics as a business, he established "Jinki-Ittai Corporation" and became its representative director. He is aiming for the practical application of "humanoid heavy machinery.

Organized by Science Castle 2018 Executive Committee